The main level of Islam is 5

Islam is one of the most preeminent religion in the world.It is approved religion by almighty

Allah.It founded on five bases.They are,
1| Iman (faith on allah)
2|Salat (prayer to allah)
3|Zakat (donate for allah)
4|Roja (fasting for allah)
5|Hojj (visit Baitullah)

To be a pure muslim everyone should believe them from core of their heart and should abide them completely. Only then we will be suited for to be a muslim.And to abide Islam completely we have to acquire knowledge a huge about Islam.Below here, giving short description about the bases of Islam..
1| Iman:
               It is one kind of psychical worship. Our creator Allah is only one and unique. Allah creates everything. Allah is imperishable. Without Allah everything will be destroy. Everything in the whole world even the smallest creation abide the command of Allah.Keep faith on most beneficent and merciful almighty Allah and His prophet Rasul (sm.) is generally called Iman. There are seven things in Iman. This is the most important of them. If you denial one of the seven things of Iman, you will not longer than in Islam. By abiding all tje command of almighty Allah along devotion you could be the favourite person of Allah. So it could be says that Iman is only one way to get in Islam.
2| Salat:

               Salat is prime component of physical worship. Obedience toward Allah clearly evolve by salat. For this invariant salat is most significant. Moreover Allah and prophet Mohammed (sm.) gave much emphasis on salat. By realization of salat as welfare has in afterlife similar benefit has in lifetime. To building up fineer character of salat plays an vital role. It's help us to get rid from obscene and impropriety. Allah said,"undoubtedly prayer save people from immodest and infelicity job(surah: an kavut)." Realization of salat should be the job of a muslim. It should be practice from childhood. Prophet Muhammad (sm.) said," Instruct your children  about salat when they are in seven years old.And when they are in ten years old beat them for salat. So that, after growing up they become very careful about their prayer and practice it until their death." So without realization of salat satisfaction and proximity of Allah couldn't be imagine.
3| Zakat:
                Zakat is prime component of financial worship.Our assets given by Allah. So that to acquire satisfaction of almighty Allah we have to donate in the name of Allah. If any person have 52and half of silver or 7 and half of golden or he have similar amounted he have to payment zakat. If you have this amount money but you do not interested in payment you have to suffer for this. Prophet Muhammad (sm.) said that,"Whomever Allah likes and give property even than he didn't donate it for Allah, in the day of Justice, all of his property will turn into venomous phytons.This venomous phytons will embroil throat of that person and sting in cheek and say that I am you treasure. " And an other hadith said,"Who stored his treasure but do not payment zakat, in the day of justice by his stored treasure a sheet will make and burnt with hell fire and fitted on  his chest, backrest,rib and forehead. If the sheet become cold it will be heated again." Over and above, if you don't donate in the name of Allah your decus and delicacy of dispositon and character will be lost. So to achieve grace and kindness of almighty Allah we all have to donate a limit money from our amounted for Allah.
            Roja is one kind of physical worship. Every muslim people have to fasting for almighty Allah in Ramadan month. Allah said in Holy Quran, " Hey believer,in ramadan,it is obligate for all of you keep fasting. As it was obligated to your erstwhile people so that you all could be pure believer." And prophet Muhammad (sm.) said, "Those person who exclusively fasting to earn satisfaction of almighty allah and desire for afterlife benefits his all previous small sin will be forbearance." An other hadith said," In the judgment day, when all people will busy with their estimate then those people who fasted for Allah will sit under the shadow of Arash of almighty Allah and there they will eat with pleasure. Seeing that situation others will said,what a marvel! they are eating here! even then we are promise bound for our estimate. The reply will be that in universe when you all people were eating with pleasure then those people according to Allah's order and to get happiness in this day they fasted for Allah endure hunger and thirst." So to get reward from Allah and to achieve satisfaction of Allah we have to keep fast for our merciful Allah.
5| Hajj:

             Hajj are both financial and physical worship.  The lexical meaning of hajj is intend.  In definite time according to Islamic shariah travel to holy Baitullah and Madina is called Hajj. If any person such wealthy that he has ability to bears his and his families whole exes untill he come back from holy Mokka amd Madina only then Hajj is obligate for him. There are some rules before going Hajj. They are, if there no hamper for going hajj. To be an adult and hale muslim. With women her husband or such as people with whom marriage is bans. Only then anybody can go for hajj. Almighty Allah said,"Those peole who has ability to go for hajj in exchange for money, on purpose to achieve satisfaction of almighty Allah hajj is obligate for them." Prophet Muhammad (sm.) said, " keeping hajj. Whosesoever, it clear your all sins as like water clear all dirt." So if we has financial capability we have to keeping hajj.     
                                               wraiter by----- mis sumaya sultana


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