How to prevent cancer in 10 steps

The appearance of some malignant cells is inevitable, but they do not become a cancer if the organism is balanced. The key is to act on the potentially tumor cells and on those that surround them, which make up the tumor microenvironment. It is about monitoring ten factors that influence the development of the disease.

1. Reduce foods with a high glycemic index
The prevention and treatment of all tumors begins by decreasing the presence in the diet of foods with a high glycemic index. This translates the ability of foods to rapidly increase blood sugar levels and, consequently, insulin. The higher the sugar rate, the more inflammation and the easier the development of tumors.

You have to replace white sugar, bread, pasta and rice for their whole versions and consume them in moderate quantities.
By increasing the intake of vegetables and legumes, foods rich in fiber, the rate of sugar is regulated.
2. Prevents the proliferation of tumor cells
We can create conditions so that the tumor cells do not multiply. We know that inflammation, acidity and oxygen deficiency favor it and that certain foods are beneficial at those levels.

Cruciferae (all varieties of cabbage), dark green leaves and garlic are the foods that have proven a greater inhibitory effect on carcinogenic proliferation.
Vegetables rich in carotenes, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, persimmons and apricots contain provitamin A and, in some cases, lycopene, substances that inhibit the division of harmful cells.
Soy isoflavones (genistein and daidzein, among others) block the stimulation of cancer cells by hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. These isoflavones are found in tofu, tempeh, miso, and bean sprouts.
The combination of green tea, soy and turmeric is especially interesting when adding effects on different mechanisms related to cell proliferation.
3. Alkalize your diet
Dr. Otto Warburg discovered in 1931 that tumor cells develop best in conditions of low oxygen availability. This occurs in conditions of acidity.

In alkalinity, cells breathe better and cancer cells have a hard time surviving. Although the body has resources to regulate its degree of acidity, it is advisable to avoid excess acidifying foods and prefer alkalis.

The alkaline diet is based on fruits and vegetables, especially fresh grapes, almonds, beets, carrots, celery, melons, grapefruit, cabbage, tomatoes and apples.

Howo maintain the alkaline body.

4. Reduce inflammation
In the inflamed tissues there are chemical compounds -like the protein complex Nf-kB- that favor the growth of tumor cells and do not allow an effective response of the immune system.

A diet in which garlic, onions and leeks abound, parsley and celery, citrus and rosemary will produce a natural anti-inflammatory effect, thanks to the combination of sulfur compounds, antibacterial and regulators of blood sugar levels .
Turmeric is the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory. Mixed with black pepper increases its absorption 2,000 times. Dissolving it in extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil also enhances its action.
Ginger is another potent inhibito

5. Use antioxidants
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, very reactive chemical compounds that damage cells, including their genetic material, which can transform them into carcinogens.

Green tea contains a large amount of polyphenols, such as catechins with antioxidant and detoxifying properties that enhance the effectiveness of radiotherapy.
Red fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries or pomegranates, have ellagic acid and polyphenols. They are also capable of killing diseased cells.
Dark chocolate, with at least 70% cocoa, is an antioxidant thanks to its levels of proanthocyanidins and polyphenols, which slow down tumor growth.

Vitamin D3 is essential for certain genes to trigger the process of apoptosis on tumor cells. It has been proven that low levels of this vitamin are related to the appearance of different tumors.

The main source of vitamin D is the sun, since the skin synthesizes it when it receives its radiations.
In food, it is found in mushrooms and other mushrooms,


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