Another police state in Russia

On 26 April, the Prevolski Military Court convicted five members of Hizb ut Tahrir of Tatarstan. Judge fully supported the complicated allegations of "terrorism" under the Russian Federation Act. The sentences were as follows:

Born in 1965, Gymazedinov Anas was given 18 years of high security prison and one-year ban for the movement.

Born in 1988, Mohammedov Arik was given 18 years of high security prison and one-year ban was imposed in the movement.

Born in 1990, Jazz Aazat was sent to the High Court for three years in prison.

Khananov Rennett, born in 1986, was sent to 13-year high-security prisons.

Born in 1993, Sanrev Emil was sentenced to 13 years of high security prison.

During the trial, Shabaab indicated that "terrorism" charges are totally false, as secret witnesses only staffers of security services. However, the judge refused to refuse all charges, and declared the verdict without trying to claim the case and investigate the case.

In this way, the Islamic Ummah's best son has been imprisoned in Russia, but they will not be afraid of what they can do. Even though our Shabbah was behind bars, they were carrying Dawood Ibrahim, and during their trial, the laws of Islam became clear and during the announcement of the wrongdoing regime, they read the Qur'an so that they could convey their apathy towards power.

This Russian torture does not only express hatred of Islam and Muslims, but also displays political violence against Hizb ut Tahrir. After reviewing the file of the case, the Human Rights Memorial Center puts the names of the suspects on the list of Russian political prisoners. Lawyer Dennis Goodkov wrote on his Facebook page: "Killers, rapists, thieves, are not politicians, they are simply known as" terrorists "of Russia ... but they are very good people.


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