5 tips for a Muslim in Ramadan

Ramadan is one of the favorite months in the eye of Allah (SWT), almost on us. Ramadan does not open doors for countless blessings and rewards, but gives each believer a chance to establish a strong relationship with Allah (SWT) and to achieve a higher level of spirituality. Therefore, it is one of the most expected months for all Muslims of the world.

However, with this day and age and ragingly busy working schedule, it is difficult to take full advantage of the holy month of Ramadan. In spite of many efforts, one contributes more time to work hours or homework than fulfilling his spiritual needs - all of the souls return to Allah (SWT) fulfilling. In order, despite your busy schedule of Ramadan this year, you will have to gain a level of your spiritual mission discipline and some dedication to achieve your goal above the living things from day to day. According to the following Hadith, every good work is multiplied in the month of Ramadan:

Hadrat Abu Hurayrah Narrated'Abdullah bin'Abdullah: The Messenger of Allah (্লাম) said, "Every act of Adam's son will be given to ten times." Allah said: 'Without fasting, it is for me, and I count my own food for me and my food for myself. I will reward myself ...' And when I fasted and fasted, the person had two joy, another joy, when he met his Lord . And the smell of his face before Allah is better than the fragrance of Mushrik.
(Sahih al-Bukhari, 5272)
Here are some tips to make the Ramadan best for you this year, and spend the highest benefits of holy month:

1 • Plan ahead and set goals
Before Ramadan starts, keep an eye on yourself and decide how you want to deal with your spiritual duties. For example, how many Quranic chapters want to finish during the month to determine a goal or how many times you want to read the entire Qur'an - once you have broken the task and divide that page you have a set number so you will read on a daily basis to achieve your goal. You can set a goal for wretch, door, additional prayers. Do not forget to set realistic goals and be overly aspiring.

2 • Disable confusion
If you are one of those folks who spend a good chunk of browsing their day and surfing on social media forums, it is a good idea to disable your account temporarily or perhaps disable the app from your phone so that you may not be tempted in the first place this way, You can make that browsing time more spiritually productive such as Woe, Door, Quranic Lessons Tyadi.

3 • Make sure that you offer your prayers at the time
No matter how busy your schedule is, you take 5-10 minutes for each compulsory prayer and offer it on time. Do not delay them. The most beloved work in Allah's eyes is giving time to your salah.

4 Engage in Istighfar
Allah loves those who are very patient in 'Ishifaffar'. So the best thing is that you can do it one of the blessings of Ramadan (pbuh) of Allah Almighty and is a happy month gates of Ramadaan for repentance of repentance and repentance from Allah (swt) where your sins are exploded.

Ibn Abbas has said, "Allah (peace be upon him) said to the Messenger," If anyone repeatedly pray for forgiveness (Allah), Allah will provide a relief for him from the distress and a relief from him, and he expects Provide sustenance for him. "(Abu Dawud, 20: 5)
When you are working in your office or doing your home chores, you can say "Astaghfirullah" as soon as possible.

5 • Engage in Dhikr in the workplace
Wisdom is one of the most beloved ways of Allah and it is really easy to include in your busy schedule. Remember only a few verses of the Qur'an or other Prophets, and in any of the days of the day, perform any of the free time slots. For example, if you are driving to work or you are going to the market and you have a 15-20 minute journey, use it to add to that time. You can use your break in meetings or assign a few minutes to offer your prayers. In this way, you will be able to maximize your free slots all day long, which may eventually give you a lot of time to be devoted.

Make this extra effort to Ramadan and make this holy month the most - it will go a long way!


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